Wednesday 2 March 2016

Covers off!

Tuesday 1st March
At last, that horrible job is over! Ian finished the last little bit of tar removal in mid –afternoon, we pulled the covers off

to reveal the new gleaming underwater hull in all her glory.

Clean bottom, very dirty topsides.

We vacuumed and vacuumed and vacuumed: first of all the floor all around the boat (amazing how far that black stuff spread), then the hull sides, then it was my job to tackle the deck, which was covered in a layer of fine black nastiness.  While Ian finished off painting primer onto the fiddly bits

I sucked up as much black dirt as I could with the vacuum cleaner, then wiped the rest with a dry cloth.  Well, that didn’t do much good, the whole deck is now a dirty dark brown and it is obviously going to take a serious amount of detergent and elbow grease to get it back to white.  That’s tomorrow’s job.
All our black dirty clothes and Ian's overalls are now in the industrial washing machine!

It rained all day.  
Nasi goring for dinner.  


  1. Looking great! Nothing like that barnacle infested mess which was lifted out.

  2. Wow, nice!
