Sunday 9 April 2023

It's going well

25 kms, 15 locks, 7 hours

 At 8 this morning I went to the boulangerie.  It was 3C but didn't feel cold, I didn't even bother with a beanie, gloves and scarf.  It was brisk and crisp and invigorating.  

When I got there, there was a queue out the door and down the block.  It is an award winning boulangerie and maybe it is like that every Sunday, or maybe it's just because it's Easter Sunday.  Everyone else left with armfuls of baguettes, viennoiserie and patisserie.  I bought a loaf of bread, Rustique, a croissant and a chausson de pomme.  I really wanted 2 escargots de raisins but the lady in the queue in front of me bought the last 4.  When I came out the queue stretched twice as far as when I arrived.  I must say the bread was great, but a croissant is croissant.

It was almost as busy on the canal.  While waiting for the first lock another boat arrived behind us and we shared 4 locks with them.  At the following lock there was already another boat waiting to go through and we shared 10 locks with them, a really nice Swiss couple on a rental boat but they knew exactly what they were doing and everything ran like Swiss clockwork till lunchtime when we approached a lock with 2 boats in it, going nowhere.  The lock had a problem, but they hadn't bothered to call the lock keeper because it was lunchtime.  There were also 2 boats at the other side of the lock waiting for something to happen and fortunately one of them called the lock keeper and, abracadabra, 5 minutes later he arrived and we all got moving again.

A folly with a beautiful ceramic tiled roof

Crossing an aqueduct over a railway line

An enormous timber yard, it went on for may kms, from enormous tree trunks drying under water sprinklers... row after row of freshly de-barked and cut to length logs 

Last lock of the day.  Not sure about the arty arch but impressed by the number of passers-by watching the boats

At 4pm we stopped at Fragnes, the last port on this canal.  Tomorrow we venture out onto the big Saone River and turn north against the current.  We have no idea how we will fare or how long it will take us to reach our destination.  But we have only 2 locks to traverse

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