Sunday 22 May 2016

Tournai to Oudenaarde

39 km, 2 lift bridges, 3 locks
We spent a while with Lynn and Shaun yesterday morning and set off from Tournai at 11.45.  
Canal through Tournai
Pont de Trou

Pont de Trou
The late start was because we intended to do only 14 kms today and stop at a small pontoon at the beginning of the Espierre Canal.  
The narrow entrance to the Espierre Canal
It's a very pretty little canal
When we got there the potoon was already taken up with 2 pleasure boats. No room.
No room for Njord!

Exiting the Espeirre Canal
We pressed on to Oudernaarde, more than half way to Ghent.  There was a lot of rain forecast for today so, seeing out projected stop was a no go, we decided to cover a longer distance and have a “rest day” in the rain today. 
It was rather breezy yesterday, a mix of clouds and sun, cool when cloudy, hot when sunny.  By the time we arrived in Oudenaarde it was sultry, hot and humid.  
A pretty village
A big wide canalised river, not as much commercial traffic as we expected.

The lift bridge in Oudenaarde

The entrance to the yacht club, but this brand new bridge is not in service yet

The yacht club is in a quiet little off-cut from canal.
We barbied our pork chops with thunder rolling around and a few large plops of rain.

We have stopped at the Oudenaarde Yacht Club where, as members of the VPF (Vlaamse Plesiervaart Federatie), we pay for one night and get the second night free.   This is the first time we have had the opportunity to use our membership cards:  2 nights for €9.00, with free showers. Can’t complain about that, can we?

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