Saturday 14 May 2016


Today started very slowly – and carefully – after over-indulging last night!
Nothing much happened till after lunch time.  We watched Qualy for the Spanish F1 Grand Prix then I went for a long walk to the other side of town.
A narrow steet in the old town

Ruins of an old cannon foundry which were built on the ruins of an old castle

According to the plaque on the wall, this is a well that supplied to water to the dungeons of the old castl.  Vandalised!

An old lock at the southern end of Douai

One of the ancient gates in the old city walls

A bit of trivia:  the very first helicopter flight in the world took off in Douai!

Yet another photo of the Belfry- it is a remarkable piece of architecture

Along the canal
Ian and Shaun went to see if there was anything worth buying (!) at Aldi. Fortunately there wasn’t.

Cold today, back to single figures (about 6) when we got up, and only just into double figures for most of the day. But at about 16.00 the sun came out and the temp rose to about18.  I’m not complaining!

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