Wednesday 4 May 2016

Picquingy to Amiens

15 km, 3 locks
Woke up to a foggy, foggy day.  I went to a “boulangerie” (bakery) for bread: a normal baguette and a baguette de compagne, which is very different, a darker and denser bread.  I have bought “boule compagne” (larger round loaf) which we like, but I prefer the traditional baguette.  By the time I got back to the boat the fog had given way to tendrils of mist hovering over the river and we set off at 9.45. 
Beautiful light through the trees after the mist cleared
A fire brigade exercise alongside the canal

We passed a few chateaux, all hidden in the trees

When I grow up I want to be a chateau

No idea what this building is,but it has an impressive roof. 
We had hoped to get all the way to Amiens before the lock keeper’s lunch hour but the late start stymied that.  So we spent an hour and 15 minutes tied up to the quai alongside the very impressive Engineering Faculty of the local university.
Spot the boat - all the way on the left hand side
"Montant" (going up) the lock at Amiens
 By 14.00 we were tied up to the quay where we met Piet and Jelka over a week ago, and took off with my camera.  This is one of my favourite cities, almost as good Bruges.

Then a quick trip to the supermarket – sausages for dinner tonight!  Haven’t had them for ages.

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