Wednesday 11 May 2016


A bit of shopping, a bit of sightseeing, a bit of reading: it’s a good life, isn’t it?
Shopping: groceries from Lidl; they have really good fresh vegetables and the cheapest I have come across.
Sightseeing: the old town centre is about 1 km from this quay, so I took a stroll along the canal.  This is the Scarpe Moyenne (Middle Scarpe).  Yesterday we tried to go up the Scarpe Superieure and we have discovered that the Scarpe Inferieure, which wanted to do tomorrow is closed at this end.  The Scarpe Moyenne winds through the middle of Douai. 
The old lift bridge at the end of the public quay

Then struck into the old narrow streets.
A 16th Century house

A pedestrian street

The Belfry dates from 1390

Ugly little bugger - he and his mate are guarding a window in the Belfry

The City Hall with the Belfry behind

The City Hall

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