Monday 16 May 2016

Douai to Halte de Bouchain (Bassin Ronde)

32 km, 3 locks
Today was a public holiday – Pentecost – which, it seems, the French take very seriously.  I hoped to find a supermarket open for a few hours in the morning to buy fresh bread and milk but, no, not a soul was stirring at 8.30 this morning.  So we had to make do with Saturday’s bread and I do have enough milk to last us till mid-day tomorrow, I hope.
We set off at about 8.45.  It has been surprisingly chilly the last 3 days, this morning it was only 8 degrees when we set off: caps and jackets had to be dug out from the back of the cupboard!
A tight squeeze to get out through the exit onto the big canal
At the first lock we had to wait while a big “double trouble” barge came down and exited before we could enter to go up. 
A busy lock
Same story at the second lock, and the third had to be emptied before we could enter, but on the whole the canal was very quiet today.  This is the main commercial canal across the north of France, but we saw very few barges working today.  For a major “highway” it is very attractive.
A riding school - what a lovely place to learn to ride

Elle behind us

Elle in front of us

Swan and cygnets - how cute!

A family of ducks plus hanger-on

5 hours after leaving Douai we arrived at the Halte de Bouchain in the Bassin Ronde.  Ian and Shaun got out their drones – boys and their toys!
Shaun doing his stuff
 From Ian's eye in the sky:

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