Monday 14 September 2015

Mons - A day in port

Today was a house-keeping day.  When at a marina make use of the washing machine and dryer!  I got a load of bedding and t-shirts done and we went grocery shopping - 3 times!  There is an Aldi close by, just 5 minutes by bike.  The first time both Ian and I went together and filled the panniers on both bikes plus my small back pack (which is not a proper back pack, it was a freebie with Piz Buin sun block, just big enough for a beach towel, book and sun hat!)  but there was not enough room for 2 boxes of wine so Ian went back a second time.
On checking the weather for tomorrow it looks as if we might have to spend another day here so Ian went back a third time for bread (and onions which they didn't have this morning).
Tomorrow we were planning to go up the 73m high lift bridge, the Strepy-Thieu Ascenseur, but the weather forecast is for 60 km/hr winds and rain.  The wind has picked up today already and we have had squally rain showers on and off.
No internet connection tonight!  We really want to check the weather again, if this front blows through quicker than anticipated we might still get to the Ascenseur tomorrow.

This marina is quite far from the centre of Mons and there is nothing very interesting around here, not the best place to be stuck while waiting for a weather window.

1 comment:

  1. Ermmmmm maybe a bigger back pack! lol
    Norte P says hi x
