Friday 11 September 2015

Lessines to Ath

Another lovely summer's day.  You may have noticed from the photos over the last few days that the grey leaden skies have been replaced by sunshine and fleecy clouds.  That also means it has been hot, sunblock and sun hat weather..  Still cold in the early mornings, 10.3C at 8.00 this morning, but by mid afternoon it is well into the 20's and this afternoon it was 26C in the saloon.  Way too sticky and sweaty for us.
Yesterday we arranged with our personal mobile team of lock/bridge keepers to be at the first bridge, just 300m from our mooring, at 9.30.  As we approached at 9.15 the bridge went up - they were ready and waiting for us.  And that has been the most notable thing since we arrived in Wallonia - efficiency, speed, with a good dollop of cheerfulness and helpfulness thrown in.  We were impressed by the Flemish lock keepers but the Walloons are even better (so far).  Mind you, I am not sure it is necessary to have 3 guys operating the locks for just one little boat.  Not complaining though, just thought I'd mention it.
So here is our gang, hard at work.

 And passing us on the way to the next lock.

Opening the sluices to fill the lock - be prepared for a lot of surging around!

We reckoned, on average, it took about 10 minutes to pass through a lock - these guys are good.
The scenery has change again.  Not so many trees, more open fields and lots of cattle, sometimes as far as the eye can see!

Some dogs run up and down the road barking at cars, some run up and down canals barking at boats!

Since we were here in the early summer the flora alongside the canal has changed from wild flowers to berries

and fruit.  This apple tree was longside a lock.

Some pictures paint a thousand words - I say no more.

We covered just 13km today, including 5 locks (total rise 13m) and 4 mobile bridges, not realising how efficient these lock keepers are.  We could have gone further and will up our lock strike tomorrow to 9, plus 6 mobile bridges.
Once arrived at the "port de plaisance",
not the most picturesque mooring but it's free with free electricity and water so I'm not complaining, we went in search of a supermarket to top up our supplies of fresh meat and veg.  The Lidl we were heading for turned out to be closed for rebuilding (as in knock it down and start again) so we bought just the basic necessities at a Delhuize Express, next to a fuel garage.
Back at the boat we made the most of the free water, filled the tanks, washed clothes and bodies.  Then filled the tanks again.  And Ian got stuck into some work, something to do with adding more dials to the control panel.

Planning an amble into the town this evening.


  1. Looks very pretty but getting worried about the French bit. Maybe you need to email us a list of Wallonian lockkeeper terms.

  2. As you stated---no words needed for such gorgeous scenery! Though still love your prose :)
