Thursday 17 May 2018

A day in Sens

Goodness gracious, it was a busy day today: walking, cycling, walking and then walking even more.  This is a fascinating town: ancient, full of history dating from the pre-Roman era, and a wonderful museum to record it all.  Plus the most delightful narrow streets lined with historic architectural interest.
A day in pictures:

The fantastic Hotel de Ville, or Town Hall

My attempt at a close-up of the detail on the spire.

This little cul-de-sac was a delight

So quirky

Who would have thought you could make such a statement with watering cans

Then a new boat arrived at the quay.  We are accostomed to boats with dogs, and boats with cats, but boats with chickens and rabbits?

 Second walkabout:  in search of a swan with itty-bitty cygnets

and seeing I was on the opposite side of the river I took a pic of the boats at the town quay

Third walkabout - a visit to the museum in the very old archbishops palace.  Wow, I wasn't expecting much, and I got plenty!

The exterior

The interior - stunning

Roman artifacts -there has been a town here since way before the birth of Christ 

A piece of cloth dating from the 6th century. 

Thomas Becket spent a number of years here in exile, there is one display case with his vestments

Thomas Beckets shoes
While I was doing all that walking Ian was doing some major surgery on the mast.  It is too tall for this small boat so he cut a chunk off the bottom, removed all the old varnish and applied the first coat of new varnish.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the watering cans! and the rest of course.
